Chocolate Tarte Tropizienne

This fluffy and light tarte is the perfect balance chocolate brioche, light,creamy vanilla and a rich chocolate ganache.   

This recipe contains: Dairy, Gluten, Eggs



714g King Arthur Sir Galahad flour

59g Milk

414g Eggs

14g Salt

14g Instant yeast

71g Sugar

71g Honey

4g Diastatic malt

357g Butter (plasticized)

16g Guittard cocoa noir

31g Water (warm)


31g Water (warm)

128g Guittard 64% L’ etoile Du Nord

107g Guittard 100% Oban

2000g Total weight


293g 36% cream

12g Invert sugar

48g Glucose

1ea Vanilla bean

504g 41% Eclipse Du Soleil milk chocolate

8.8g Lemon juice

56g Butter

921.8g Total weight

Vanilla Pastry Cream

800g Whole milk

200g 36% cream

200g Egg yolk

220g Sugar

20g Cornstarch

20g Cake flour

2ea Vanilla beans

100g Butter

1650g Total weight

Vanilla Diplomat

500g Pastry cream

225g Mascarpone

300g 36% cream

1025g Total weight



Incorporate first 8 ingredients in a planetary mixer on 1st speed for 3 minutes.  Mix on 2nd speed until the dough is mostly developed.  Hydrate Cocoa Noir with water. Melt the chocolates.  Incorporate butter into the dough, mixing to full development.  At low speed, add the hydrated cocoa powder followed by the chocolates.  Ferment for 2 hours at room temperature with one fold at 60 minutes.  Refrigerate for 12 to 18 hours. Divide it into 250g pieces. Pre shape into boules and rest for 20 to 30 minutes.  Roll out 8” diameter and place into a buttered 8” ring and place onto a sheet pan.   After proofing about 1 hour brush with egg wash and sprinkle liberally with sliced natural almonds and turbinado sugar.


Boil cream with invert sugar, glucose, and scraped vanilla bean. Pour over chocolate, allow to stand for 5 minutes. Add butter, lemon juice, and emulsify.  Reserve.

Pastry Cream

Heat the milk with vanilla and two thirds of the sugar.  Whisk the cream with the egg yolks, remaining sugar, cornstarch, and flour into a slurry.   Pour slurry into hot milk and boil for 2 minutes while whisking.  Remove from heat, whisk in butter.  Cool completely. Reserve.

Vanilla Diplomat

Whip the mascarpone with the cream to a firm peak. Fold into pastry cream. Reserve.


Split the brioche in half horizontally.  Brush orange flower water on the cut sides of brioche.  Place a layer of ganache on brioche bottom layer.  Place top piece of brioche on diplomat cream.